The Light Up Campaign

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The Light Up campaign, organised by Mid and South Essex ICB, Public Health in Hertfordshire and Thurrock, and Brentwood Mind, aims to promote the local suicide prevention training website –

Over the past few years, the campaign has successfully raised awareness by illuminating landmarks across Essex in green, marking World Suicide Prevention Day and showcasing local efforts in suicide prevention.

  • Purpose: To raise awareness of the local suicide prevention website, encourage visits to the site, promote the FREE ZSA suicide prevention training, and increase the use of available resources.
  • Goal: To expand the reach of the Let’s Talk About Suicide website, increase the number of individuals accessing suicide prevention training, and foster open conversations about suicide prevention, suicidal thoughts, and directing people to the help available.
  • Message: To reduce the stigma around discussing suicide and inform the public that training, advice, and support are available for those experiencing suicidal thoughts or crises, as well as for those who know someone in need.

The campaign will run again in 2024 during Suicide Awareness Week in September. If you can support this initiative by lighting up your organisation’s headquarters or another local landmark in green, please contact Nadine Winiberg at Thurrock and Brentwood Mind, who are coordinating the campaign.

RRAVS | Rayleigh and Rochford District Association for Voluntary Service

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