Carers Voices Survey

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From Carers Voices…
Health and wellbeing are central to ensuring carers can sustain the support they give to the cared for over a prolonged period, sometimes, a whole lifetime. Carers often tell us they are at breaking point, physically and mentally exhausted with no respite and very little time nor energy to self-assess and acknowledge when their mental health and wellbeing deteriorates, the pressure becomes too much, and many become overwhelmed. Those that do acknowledge their mental health and wellbeing is at risk, often do not know where or how to access the appropriate support.

The aim of our survey is to ask you, the carers about your experiences of mental health and wellbeing both good and bad. What you tell us will help shape and influence better awareness of mental health in the caring community and improve support for everyone. We know and appreciate there is a stigma and discrimination around speaking out but the feedback you feel you can share will give us a clear picture of current mental health issues and we value your participation. Whilst we know the mental health and wellbeing of the cared for has a direct impact on the carer, our survey focuses on the carers mental health and wellbeing and we welcome your feedback.

You can Take part in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey here, and please do share this information widely with your contacts.

Please circulate throughout your networks.

RRAVS | Rayleigh and Rochford District Association for Voluntary Service

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