Time To Talk Day – 6 February

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Essex Activate Half Term Clubs Go Live 17-25 February
January 21, 2025

Mind National and local Minds are undertaking a Mental Health promotional event on the 6th of February.

Last year’s campaign revealed that nearly two thirds of the UK public put on a brave face to avoid talking about their mental health. And nearly half of us are less likely to open up as we don’t want to worry others in already difficult times. But we know that talking openly and honestly can be the first step towards better mental health for everyone.

That’s why, this year They’re asking people to ‘get comfortable’ talking about mental health. They want to encourage people to either share or listen and not feel like mental health is a topic they have to avoid. Text a friend, chat over a cuppa, go for a walk with a loved one, share something on social media – there’s no right or wrong way to have a conversation.

Time to Talk Day is run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness in England, in partnership with Co-op. The campaign runs UK wide, with SAMH (Scottish Action for Mental Health) in Scotland, Inspire in Northern Ireland and Time to Change Wales.

Find out more: https://timetotalkday.co.uk/

RRAVS | Rayleigh and Rochford District Association for Voluntary Service

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