Volunteer Essex Search link imageIt’s a Work of Heart – A little of your time can make a big difference
The benefits of volunteering can be enormous, both for you and your local community. Whether you want to meet people and make new friends, learn a new skill, build your self-confidence, improve your self-worth or even advance your career. It’s also a lot of fun!

Voluntary roles also benefit those with a disability or lack of social skills and help reduce isolation. Your age and circumstances don’t matter you simply need passion, positivity, integrity and a desire to help.

Volunteering covers almost every possible activity you can think of from making the tea to specialist technical work. Visit the Volunteer Essex website at www.volunteeressex.org/search  to see what roles are available local to where you live – you will find something!

You can also ring RRAVS on 01268 772796 or email us on volunteers@rravs.org.uk

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pdf RRAVS_Volunteering_Leaflet RRAVS_Volunteering_Leaflet
May 13, 2020 12:31 am 276 KB 254