
April 29, 2014

My Care Record – Updated

My Care Record is an initiative launched several years ago to enable information sharing, underpinned by an information sharing agreement widely adopted across most of the […]
June 30, 2020

Essex Youth online services

Online Activities for young people aged 13-19 years, or up to 25 with additional needs (some activities for younger people where stated).
June 30, 2020

Working with Trans Gender Young People – Guidance

This guidance contains information on key points for staff working with trans young people and will promote awareness of equality and diversity in the Youth Service.
June 30, 2020

Help to Find Work and Training

Whether you have just been made redundant, been furloughed, lost your job for other reasons, or have been out of work for some time, we are […]
RRAVS | Rayleigh and Rochford District Association for Voluntary Service

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