Unpaid Carers Early Help Support

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The Essex All Age Carers Strategy launched in May 2022 and since then we have been working with carers and partners across the system to redesign information, advice, guidance and support to ensure it is available at the right time, in the right place, before a crisis occurs. Building on the success and information gathered from the Locality Early Help workshops at the end of last year, we would like to invite you to a second workshop focused on early help for unpaid carers, to contribute to the redesign of the new offer for 2024 onwards. This invitation is for anyone with an interest in unpaid carers, including carers themselves.

Dates are in the attached flyer, download below.

Book your place via the Eventbrite link below


Download Files Below

File Description Date added File size Downloads
pdf Carers_Locality_Workshops_Flyer-March_2023 March 6, 2023 5:08 pm 167 KB 170
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