Falls Prevention

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Mid & South Essex NHS Foundation Trust – Draft Communications Plan
September 17, 2024
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Youth Voice Day – 12 October 2024
September 26, 2024

In 2023, across MSE, there were 9,888 emergency admissions to local hospitals due to falls—a 7% increase compared to 2022. Of these, 85% occurred in people aged over 65, with 63% in those over 75.

Falls can not only cause serious injury but can also significantly affect confidence, leading to distress or embarrassment. In some cases, they can severely impact a person’s independence.

The good news is that there are many simple steps people can take to reduce their risk and stay steady on their feet. Our new guide, Fall Proof, offers valuable advice. This 12-page pamphlet includes a checklist of actions to reduce the risk of falling, with sections on trip hazards, hydration, balance, blood pressure, eyesight, and exercise. A digitally accessible version of the guide can also be found on out website https://www.midandsouthessex.ics.nhs.uk/health/campaigns/fall-proof-preventing-falls-and-staying-well/

Residents can also visit www.activeessex.org/able-like-mabel for information on simple home movements that can help maintain strength and balance.

There’s a communications toolkit that contains everything you need to support falls prevention in residents across mid and south Essex. Access the toolkit here.

RRAVS | Rayleigh and Rochford District Association for Voluntary Service

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