Latest News

September 8, 2021

Social Prescriber/Wellbeing Link Worker Information

As a patient of one of the GP Practices listed in the attached information, if you have concerns that are of a non-clinical nature that are […]
May 25, 2021

Living Well in south east Essex – Newsletter

Living Well is a local publication developed to provide people living across south east Essex with regular updates on what’s available to help them stay healthy […]
November 16, 2020

Castle Point and Rochford’s Public Health Grant Funding

Local community and voluntary organisations in Castle Point and the Rochford District are invited to apply for grants to support ongoing provision for the remainder of […]
November 11, 2020

CAVS Ways to Wellness – Updated

CAVS Ways to Wellness supports residents in Castle Point, Rayleigh and Rochford and aims to improve your health and wellbeing by linking you to suitable services […]
RRAVS | Rayleigh and Rochford District Association for Voluntary Service

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