Find the support you need after Covid-19

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If you, or someone you know, has been affected by the coronavirus and is struggling to cope, please know that you are not alone…

To offer support in these difficult circumstances, Therapy for You and Trust Links will be hosting a series of groups via video call for anyone personally affected by Covid-19. Sharing your experiences, and listening to others who have been through similar things, can be a helpful step on your path to feeling better.

In addition, Trust Links can help you access peer support, wellbeing workshops and courses through the REACH Recovery College and Wellbeing Hub Services.

The sessions will cover:

  • The personal impact of Covid
  • Managing post-Covid tiredness and longer-term impacts on the mind and body
  • Staying in the present
  • Managing any negative feelings you might experience after getting Covid-19
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • The impact of negative thoughts and clouded thinking
  • Developing ways to stay active
  • Finding time for self-care

Having the opportunity to meet others affected by the Coronavirus and sharing your experiences can be a helpful step on your path to feeling better.

If this sounds like something you might benefit from, don’t hesitate to give us a call on 01268 739128 or email us at to book your place and confirm a time.

All groups will be run via Microsoft Teams video conferencing, with technical support for anyone unfamiliar with the software.

Download Files Below

File Description Date added File size Downloads
pdf Post_Covid_Support_Group Post Covid Support Group Leaflet
December 1, 2020 9:43 pm 940 KB 2658
RRAVS | Rayleigh and Rochford District Association for Voluntary Service

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