You may have high heating costs as a result of a health condition, or because your house is drafty and loses a lot of heat, or your boiler is old and inefficient.
You may be on a low income.
All of these things can mean that people cut back on their heating use, or get into serious arrears with their supplier or cut back in other areas – such as food or essentials. None of these consequences are good for your physical, financial, or emotional wellbeing.
Essex Warm Homes is here to help.
Staffed by experienced, professional advisers, based in local Citizens Advice offices around Essex, our service is resourced by the Warm Homes Fund.
Call 0300 3033 789 to find out how Warm Homes Essex can help you.
Warm Homes Essex is a project of Citizens Advice Essex, a consortium of the Local Citizens Advice network across Essex Charity no. 1153582 Company no. 06150651.
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