Partners Team Up to Launch Online Safety Map

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Partners Team Up to Launch Online Safety Map

Through Safer Essex, Essex County Council have launched a new online safety map for women and girls to use to highlight areas they feel safe or unsafe in Southend, Essex & Thurrock.

Anyone can use the map, but we particularly want to hear from women and girls over 13 years old as we know through research that 16% of women that took part felt unsafe in our towns and cities during the day and 47% felt unsafe at night.

Interactive map image

The map can be accessed on a desktop computer, phone or tablet. Users can drop a pin to a specific location and write why they felt safe or unsafe there. Other users will be able to see this data too.

All of the data collected will be used by partners to inform their work going forward.

Visit the map here:

RRAVS | Rayleigh and Rochford District Association for Voluntary Service

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