A local charity that operates a community facility providing lunch, teas, coffees and activities. It is staffed by volunteers and provides transport which can be arranged through the centre for Rayleigh, Hockley, Hawkwell and Rochford.  Opens 5 days a week Monday - Friday (excluding bank holida...

Phone Number
01702 206208

The Harbour Club promotes social inclusion for older adults with dementia; their service is person centred and user led.  They provide a service from Mondays to Thursdays, 09.45 to 15.45.  Members can be collected in the morning and returned home in the afternoon. They provide a two course lunch plu...

Phone Number
01702 232068
The Harbour Club Day Care Centre, The Old School, Ferry Road, Hullbridge, Essex


Dementia advisors provide information, practical guidance and support to help people living with dementia and their family and carers, understand dementia, cope with day to day challenges and prepare for the future by connecting you with the right support. https://rravs.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/202...

Phone Number
0333 150 3456
Suite E, Ground Floor, Widford Business Centre, 33 Robjohns Road, Chelmsford, Essex.
Phone Number
01702 201515

Meets on the first Saturday of the month 2pm-4pm at Hockley & Hawkwell Old Peoples Day Centre.

Mobile Phone
07804 811954
Hockley & Hawkwell Old Peoples Day Centre
Southend Road Library Car Park

Free, independent and confidential advice from Local Citizens Advice Teams. Their energy advisers can help you with whatever is making it hard to afford your energy bills - advice and support with benefits/help with access to grants to improve the energy efficiency of your home/help switching energy...

Phone Number
0300 3033 789 

A partnership between local charities Trust Links and Hamelin Trust Growing Together for Dementia is a brand new therapeutic gardening project starting in June 2024 located in Rochford, to support people living with dementia and their loved ones.

Phone Number
01702 213134
Gowlands, Sutton Bridge Farm, Sutton Road, Rochford, SS4 1XS

Supporting people an their unpaid carers who need help with their mental health and wellbeing. Offering Therapeutic gardening, recovery classes, employment training and social activities.

Phone Number
01702 213134
34 Rocheway, Rochford, Essex.

People Promoting good health and mental health wellbeing for people living with lower limb difference, contact: Klaire Harvey.

Mobile Phone
07411 572876

National Charity for elderly and terminally ill people and their pets (inc dog walking).

Phone Number
01736 757900

Hearing Help Essex is a charity supporting individuals living with hearing loss across Essex by providing a range of services. They have been running a support service to NHS hearing aid users for almost 40 years and also provide an Information, Advice, and Guidance service in person by appointment,...

Phone Number
01245 496347
Mobile Phone
Text message 07950 406173

Community Agents Essex support older people and their informal carers by promoting health and independence, reducing social isolation, finding practical solutions to mobility issues and daily living.

Phone Number
0800 977 5858 or 01376 574341

Historical Society, contact: Stella Buxton.


The Harbour Club promotes social inclusion for older adults with dementia.  The service is person centred and user led, they provide a service from Mondays -Thursdays, 9.45am -3.45pm.

Phone Number
01702 232068
Mobile Phone
07788 619452
The Harbour Club Day Care Centre, The Old School, Ferry Road, Hullbridge


Day Centre providing two-course lunches and social interaction in Rochford.  

Phone Number
01702 544288
33A Back Lane, Rochford, Essex.

Bowls Club.

Phone Number
01702 206946
Hockley Bowling Club, The Bowling Green, Hyams Road, Hockley.

Enhanced support for people living with dementia and their carers in the Rochford district.

Phone Number
01702 534772

Information, friendship and advice for older folk.  The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Phone Number
0800 470 8090

Rayleigh Ladies Probus Luncheon Club.

The group make audio recordings of local news items and other matters of interest for those who are blind or sight impaired and who live in our area.  They are provided on USB memory sticks and portable listeners and special players can also be provided.

The Age UK Essex Advice Service provides information and advice which covers every facet of later life, helping the people of Essex understand their rights and make the best choices for later life. Provide information and advice regarding social care, benefits, housing, disability equipment/ home ad...

Phone Number
01992 662296

Supporting disadvantaged families across the Rochford District.

Phone Number
01702 545771
King Edmund School, Vaughan Close, Rochford.

BASIS Promoting independence and reducing isolation within the community for visually impaired adults and their families in South Essex.

Phone Number
01268 522817

We are a local charity providing Dementia Day Centres, Home Help Service, Companionship & Sitting Service, Care in the Community & Young Carers Groups. Helping people remain living independently at Home.

Phone Number
01268 881130

Helping the people of Essex live as independently at home for as long as possible, offering domestic services, housework/shopping and a sitting and companionship service and imminently telephone befriending service Contact: Jodie Bevan    

Mobile Phone
07440 482617

For adults and children who have lost loved ones through coronavirus.    

Phone Number
01702 220321

Small local charity whose members meet at The Cedar Centre to participate in a variety of craft activities.  Located at the far end of Castle Road, Rayleigh next to the recycling facility. The centre is open most weekday afternoons and some mornings.  For a quarterly subscription of £24 we offer fri...

Phone Number
01268 774517
The Cedar Centre, 90 Castle Road, Rayleigh.

South Essex Advocacy Services is an independent charity that advocates on behalf of adults experiencing financial and/or, social difficulties. The advocates help such adults who may benefit from someone to support them and to ensure their voice is heard.

Phone Number
01702 340566

Peaceful Place is a members-led charity. We are people of working age diagnosed with dementia and older people in the early stages of dementia.

Phone Number
01702 546476
261 Timberlog Lane, Basildon, Essex.
SS14 1PA

Cruse Bereavement is the leading national charity for bereaved people in. They offer support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies, and campaign to enhance society’s care of bereaved people.    

Phone Number
0808 8081677

Dementia Support and Advice Group.

Phone Number
01245 237548

A not-for-profit organisation providing a door to door transport service to the residents of Rochford District and Castle Point Borough.  The service enables people to take part in activities that they would otherwise struggle to travel to, and therefore reduces exclusion and isolation of vulnerable...

Phone Number
01268 753513 and 01268 754936 Lines open between 8.30am and 2.00pm Mon-Fri.

Meets on the 3rd Friday of each month 10.30-12.30, (not Aug) run by Sian Thomas.

Hullbridge Library
Ferry Road

Confidential helpline provides information and support to anyone concerned about harm, abuse or exploitation of an older person. This might include physical, financial, psychological, sexual or neglect.    

Phone Number
0808 8088141